Saturday, April 4, 2009

William M. Daley Has No Understanding of the Establishment Clause (Notre Dame Related)

Update everytime I talk about this Issue I keep saying Mayor because it is on my brain,. this is the brother of the mayor

Father Z has the Mayor's brothers silly comments and indeed sort of frightening. See Politicizing the Notre Shame debate: a Chicago Catholic pol

Catholic legal minds are pretty shocked as to his Separation of Church and State Comments.

See Daley's confusion

Prog Garnett says in part :

George is speaking to Notre Dame, about what Notre Dame -- as a Catholic university -- should do.

That idea is what distinguished the fledgling United States from the many countries with state religions. It still distinguishes us from much of the world. No matter how certain we are that our church is the one true path to salvation, we can never cross the line and believe that it is our God-given right and duty to force our beliefs on others. Otherwise, we are no different than the forces of religious fanaticism and terror that we are fighting today.

Good grief. The suggestion that, by urging a Catholic university to think more clearly about the implications of that character for that university's own decisions and practices, a Catholic bishop is pushing us toward a "state religion," or "forc[ing] . . . beliefs on others" is unworthy of someone of Daley's achievements. In fact -- and this seems true whether or not one supports President Obama's policies, agrees with him, or thinks Notre Dame should honor him -- the more serious threat to church-state separation, properly understood, is the suggestion, from one with Mr. Daley's connections to political power, that Catholic bishops act wrongly -- act un-American -- when they tell Catholic universities how better to be Catholic.


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