Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Pope Talks Eastern Religon and Church Fathers at His Wednesday Audience (Full Text)

Welcome- It is time for Opinionated Catholics Weekly Papal Wednesday Audience Report!!!
Yesterday the Pope returned to the to Church Fathers . He talked on Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite. This is not a Church Father that even those that delve into them part time have at the tip of their tongues. At least in the West. I found this talk very interesting. The Holy Father said in part:

Today, Dionysius the Areopagite has a new relevance: He is presented as a great mediator in the modern dialogue between Christianity and the mystical theologies of Asia, marked by the conviction that it is impossible to say who God is, that only negative expressions can be used to speak of him; that God can only be spoken of with "no," and that it is only possible to reach him by entering into this experience of "no." And here is seen a similarity between the thought of the Areopagite and that of the Asian religions. He can be today a mediator like he was between the Greek spirit and the Gospel.
I hope that gets your interest perked up Anyway because there is a full translation up at at easy click able link I will not post the whole thing. Go here to On Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite for that. Good Stuff. Thanks to the Ratzinger Forum for the pics from yesterdays audience.

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