Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Great Vid of the Swiss Guard Swearing In at the Vatican

I posted some prelimainary articles on this yesterday at It is a Big Day for the Vatican and Swiss Guard . You will note that the Guard in the vid that is holding up his fingers while doing the oath. Those three fingers represent the Holy Trinity. The Oath is:

I swear I will faithfully, loyally and honorably serve the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI and his legitimate successors, and also dedicate myself to them with all my strength, sacrificing if necessary also my life to defend them. I assume this same commitment with regard to the Sacred College of Cardinals whenever the See is vacant.
Furthermore I promise to the Commanding Captain and my other superiors, respect, fidelity and obedience. This I swear! May God and our Holy Patrons assist me!

Father Z has often posted on the Swiss Guard and their history on the date of their swearing in. He has those links here at Swiss Guard sworn today . He also has Pope Benedict's Address to them posted . Sadly it is in nit in English :). As soon as I can find a translation I will post it.

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