Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Will LSU Sue Opinionated Catholic Blog? THe LSU/ Bobby Jindal Bumpersticker Nonsense

Perhaps they shall. I think I am going to use this as the header for my LSU daily Post. Every election year LSU does this nonsense. The advocate has the story here at Jindal campaign to keep passing out ‘Tigers’ sticker.

Next Up LSU sues Mardi Gras for having purple and gold. Perhaps King Rex of that famous New Orleans Mardi Gras parade will sue LSU for taking his colors that are used in Mardi Gras.

IF you notice the words "LSU" or "Louisiana State University" are no where on that bumper sticker. Also any reasonable person that sees that knows that LSU is not endorsing Jindal. Bobby Jindal has similar bumper stickers for all the other fans of the state schools. Besides the above bumpersticker I have a Bulldogs and Saints for jindal bumpersticker on my vehicle. I usually switch them out since I got about 2o of each.

LSU seems to be thinking they can rely on his horribly decided case in a Louisiana Federal District court.. Color schemes are protected? Good Grief. Hopefully that will be overturned.

However LSU needs to be aware of this case Campaign Commercial's Use of Trademark Exempt From Liability Under Dilution Law. HAAAA LSU bring on the lawyers.

I have been throught this silliness with LSU before. Back when you could tailgate at LSU under the oaks I went out on a couple of times to stake out a site right by the Football stadium. It was great. My buds and I would get out there at 4 pm Friday stake it out and drink beer all night.

Not too fun when you woke up on the ground at 6 am but then being a college student one found a morning beer would shake that off. Any way LSU hassled me because I had some Table Covering in LSU colors with my guys name on it and I was passing out "Vote For Hayes" stickers in LSU colors. ALL this on game day. IT was all silly and in direct violation of the 1st amendment.

I suspect the Jindal campaign will cave but I would like someone to fight them on this for various other reasons. By the way go look in a Phone Book in Baton Rouge. I highly doubt that all those business that have "tiger" in the name and use purple and gold are told by LSU to stop. LSU is the only school in the state that gets all upset about this. Let the fans show their ID as "Tigers" in various ways. It doesnt hurt the school it helps it

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