Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Louisiana Catholic Blogger Roundup for August 22nd

First some sad news. For the Greater Glory Blog has because of a conflict with his newspaper job will be on Hiatus from blogging. The good news is he will be back after this Semester it appears. I shall be running his column on here when it comes out. We really need another Catholic blogger now from Baton Rouge now to fill his place. Be on the look out.

Much better news is had from the Astonished Yet at Home!!! His father appears to be doing slightly better. I think it is time to double down on the prayers.
He has a lot of post up. Like me he is very concerned with the political events we have seen over the past days. I have posted these links yesterday but let me give you those post again to check out. They are Ouachita Citizen Editorial: Louisiana Democrats Sink to New Low in Jindal Religious Smear , Jindal Demands Stations Pull Religious Smear Ad , Desperate Times for the Louisiana Democrat Party ,Stirring Up the Know-Nothings . He also references my post here Open Letter to the Louisiana Catholic Conference and Bishops . He also post Democrats Playing With Fire on Jindal and Religion ,Attacking Bobby's Christian Faith: An E-Mail from Timmy Teepell, Campaign Manager for Bobby Jindal ,Advocate Coverage of the Attack Ads , More on the Dems Attacking Jindal's Religion and The Devil Is a Liar: The Dems Launch Their Jindal Attack Ad .

He posts on a interesting discussion that occurred over at Vox Nova called Anscombe on War and Double Effect He has this post called In Defense of Hillary Clinton, Alternately Titled the Strange Demands of Charity . That deal with some comments Michelle Malkin made. I tend to agree with his viewpoint. Also I am not a huge Michele Malkin fan to be honest. I would slightly disagree with him that the case has been made that Fred Thompson has the same views on abortion as Clinton. In fact I see no evidence of that even though I am opposing him in the primary. He has a vid from the film Magnolia here in his post Save Me - Aimee Mann . Check out his further post on that More on Magnolia . He returns to the debate over at Vox Nova with More on Abortion and Consequentialist Thought . I thought this was a wonderful post called Something About Being Led and The Unexpected . His last update was a link that deals with looking at Mary's Queenship through the ages at The Queenship of Mary .

Full Circle I want to remind people will be speaking at his Church tonight on his journey to the Catholic faith. He also reminds us that even though we have missed Hurricane Dean we need to pray for the people affected still It is not over yet.

The Brown Pelican Society again has a whole lot of Catholic news we should look at. Those post include the following First let me point out this article that he links too that everyone should read that is in the National Catholic register. Post details: I’m a Pro-Life Democrat ....It’s...Making Life Real Difficult For Me; I'm Being Punished for Being Pro-Life. That article is about a Democrat Congressman that is pro-life. If the Dems are not careful they will have a situation like that which caused Louisiana Congressman Rodney Alexander to become Republican. I support and want pro-lifers in all parties. He post on here reminding called What Goes Around Comes Around, Hillary. He has this Catholic News post called Post details: Fides Agency Analyzes Death Penalty - Considers Possible U.N. Sanction of Moratorium. He has this encouraging news out of Europe at that conference I have been talking about in Post details: Europarliment President Defends Judeo-Christian Roots....... He has a link and excerpts from another interesting Catholic News Agency article called The Hopeful Future in Bioethics: Interview With Richard Doerflinger.

Let me note this post -Please Support the Brown Pelican!. First I notice that the Brown Pelican appears to be based in the Arch Diocese of New Orleans so expect it to move to that part of the link. Also on this post he talks about the mission of the The Brown Pelican Society. It is more than just a blog. It is also to educate the Louisiana Legislature on Pro Life issues. He hits on the Jindal situation in LOUISIANA POLITICS: Democrats Distort a Man's Faith in Christ for Political Gain. Kudos for him for making this a issue. This really goes beyond party as I keep saying. Last but not least he has this post Marriage, Motherhood and Family.

We now Move to the Diocese of Lafayette-
From the Recaimer has her daily Post up and she gives us the lowdown on the Saint we honored yesterday St Pius the X. Also it is again full of interesting facts we should know. Including a lot on Leon Trotsky who died on this date.

Dei Gratia has another post on Canon Law. What is a Vicar General and what do they do? To be honest I had no clue. He has part of the answer here.

A Number of Things has a great post on the value of homemade toys.

Catholic Tube has another VID up. I think this sounds great and I shall be watching it later. It is called Father Corapi on encounters with the devil and sacramentals. He also has this vid form yesterday called A short video on the reason why Catholic’s show so much attention, respect, reverence, and devotion.

Up in the Diocese of Alexandria at Thoughts & Ruminations from Fr. Ryan it appears he has having server problems. However he has been updating a lot so check on the link later.

On the New Orleans
Maudie in Mandeville has updated with this post Padilla's 'quick appeal' to a Democrat jury .

Fr. Victor Brown’s Catholic Daily Message has another great post up. He has a very good post up on St Pius the X with his on thoughts on this man and what that means for us today.

That is it for the Roundup of Louisiana Catholic bloggers. IF you know of a Louisiana Catholic blog I should be highlighting PLEASEEE let me know

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