Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Louisiana Democrat Party is Making North Louisiana Folks Look Like Yahoos

I predicted this would happen. The National press is already responding to the state Democrat Party ads bashing Jindal on his religious views. Like I feared they are playing the ignorant, prejudice North Louisiana Angle also.

Astonished Yet at Home! led me to this story. Here is just a part

The ads are an obvious attempt to destroy Jindal in Protestant North Louisiana (they are not running in the heavily Catholic southern part of the state), a generally conservative part of the state where he underperformed four years ago, when he narrowly lost his last bid for governor to Kathleen Blanco (D). Blanco chose not to seek reelection – a wise move considering reviews of her performance after Hurricane Katrina and her standing with state voters.

To the my fellow North Lousiana citizens. Are you not getting tired of this myth? Are you offended that the State Democrat party that is suppose to represent you actually seems to believe it.Are you tired of having to defend your self and friends and neighbors from the charge we are much of stiff necked intolerant racist and now anti Catholics?

It is apparent that the Lousiana Democrat Party in Baton Rouge has a cartoon version of us. A cartoon version that is spread by people that know as much about the politcal dynamic up here as I do the the inside political scoop in St James Parish. That is NADA.

So not only do we have to deal with the lines as to faith and politics being crossed, we now have to deal with sterotypes AGAIN.

Again this is another reason we North Louisiana folks need to call their legislators up. We know that the powers that be in Baton Rouge at times do not even realize we exist up here. However people in Baton Rouge are making us look like something we are not. That has real life economic effects besides being offensive.

1 comment:

DR said...

You make a great point, keep it up.