Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Is Bush Trying to Scare Us and Other Thoughts on "Vacations from Reality"

Despite disagreeing with much of what I read at The Conservative Blog For Peace.. I often go there to check in on what they are saying. It is a part of informing myself as a Catholic on these matters. Occasionaly they get me to think about certain things or least deal with what they are writing.

I take strong diagreement with this piece called Trying to scare us again. To be fair he is just posting a article from another source. However I think this attitude is dangerous. for several reason. Also ,even if one opposes Bush and America's foreign policy having this attitude might cause tragic results in many ways.

The post refers to Bush mentioning the term al Qaeda 93 times in a speech he gave at Charleston Airforce Base July 24th. That speech is located here. First the speech was focused on whether Al Qaeda was in Iraq and if these were the same Al Qaeda that we should be concerned about. This was brought up quite forcefully in that week by the Democrats whose grand plan is withdraw all forces and put them in Afghanistan. Their argument was they were different. So of of course he was going to use the word. Bush was not trying to scare anyone. By the way if anyone thinks Al Qaeda and their evil is not in Iraq please go and read this horrific report by Michael Yon. This is one reason why Sunni and Shia have now join forces with US troops to fight this evil.

However the focus of this post is not on Iraq.

I have at times run into Ron Paul supporters. Ron Paul is the Republican that is running for the President of the United States. I can't help but notice that Ron Paul Supporters much like some of their counterparts on the left believe the craziest conspiracy theories. It seems the majority think AQ is no threat to us and I hate to say many think it is all a conspiracy. This is so dangerous.

I am getting more convinced that we are about to be attacked. Stopping these attacks are 70 intelligence and about 30 percent Luck as I see it. Sometimes the luck runs out. There have been too many indications that the White House thinks something is coming and they are not sure what and when.. If one follows the terror practice drills here in the US, one gets concerned about what they are preparing for. AQ has not had a great year. The Iraqi people are turning against them, they are showing more desperation in their attacks in Afghanistan, and one can come to the conclusion that the whole red mosque incident in Pakistan is another sign of that desperation. It is a cornered tiger and when a tiger is cornered it become its most dangerous. Look at their probelms in Yemen just this week.

Aj over at the Strata Sphere had a post yesterday how close we came to a horrible attack in 2006 . However Americans, because it was stopped, largely do not think about this incident.

If one wishes to be against the war in Iraq fine. If one wishes to oppose the current surge operations fine. But this attitude of not thinking AQ is a serious threat is dangerous in more ways than one.

If one is in a fight or in a sporting event , it is the hit you are not expecting that hurts the worst. If you know its coming you can steel yourself for it. The result being it does not hurt as much. I think Progressives Liberals , Ron Paul groupies , when they down play AQ are playing a dangerous game. If this attack is severe enough people might go into a rage

I have no interest in people in their anger going after peaceful Moslems or other immigrants in the US. I have no interest in overreacting and doing something we should not because people want action right then. The whole goal of Bin Laden is try to invoke a world wide war between Muslims and Non Muslims. I have no interest in playing that game. He tried that in Iraq and it is now failing.

If we accept that AQ wants to hurt us bad then when a attack occurs the reaction and aftermath will be more reasoned. That goes as to our economic health, our legislation response, our personal response, and our military response. In other words hopefully there will be no panic. This is a long war that I know Americans are already tired of fighting. But the war on Islamic extremism will go on for decades. There will be victories and there will be defeats. The key is to accept it. To downplay AQ for political reason might have consequences that even the most progressive and liberal politically would hate to think about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I assume you have come across this site:

The "statement of faith" by Ron Paul is quite inspirational.