Saturday, August 4, 2007

A Sad Loss for the Catholic/Orthodox Blogsphere

For various reason Retractiones has decided to cease blogging. This was place where Catholics and Eastern Orthodox Christians often could come together and discuss what we held in common, where we differed, and to learn from each other.

I think it is very important that Catholics and Orthodox talk to each other. I think Catholics need to be aware of the "second lung of the Church" and to know their heritage is our heritage and needs to be embraced. I think it is important that Orthodox realize that certain things they have been taught about the Catholic Church and her viewpoints are false. This division we have had for a thousand years is one of the most massive wounds to the body of Christ that ever developed.

I will miss this blog because to be honest the discussions between Catholic and Orthodox often become too heated and downright nasty. Lots of accusations are hurled back and forth. In the end we are family and families do that. However, with the loss of the pontifications blog, where so much great stuff happened in the comment section between Catholics and Orthodox, this is a further loss.

Sacramentum Vitae that is on my blogroll often talks about subects that interest Catholics and Orthodox. As often is the case the comment sections are a great source of information.

Crimson Catholic , who is a Louisiana native, also touches on issues that Catholics and Orthodox talk about. Especially those of a Trinitarian nature. I thought this was a fun post of his by the way on a totally unrelated topic. That is why are Scottish Protestants so ornery? He is a cajun but the Northern part of Louisiana where I reside was settled as a part of this Scottish oriented migration. My Church's Patron patron in fact is St Margaret of Scotland. I keep mentioning at my Parish that we should start using that to our advantage in this civil parish. Especially since all things Scottish are the rage. Anyway going off topic here.

We are blessed with a Great Orthodox Blogger that for some reason I keep forgetting to put on my blogroll. That is Cathedra Unitatis -An Eastern Orthodox Christian Looks at the Church of Rome. She is always charitable and the resources and topics she has are pretty good.


Anonymous said...

Catholicism shall come to its termination with the passing or withdrawal of BenedictXVI. We shall then enter the age of Aquarius, leaving the age of Pisces.

Mike L said...

The demise of Catholicism has been predicted since the days of the Apostles. In response, I can only quote what one bishop said to Napoleon: "We bishops have been trying to destroy the Church since the beginning. What makes you think you can succeed where we failed?"