Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A Huckabee Roundup for August 15th

A quick Huckabee roundup before I go to Mass(By the way if you are Catholic or Orthodox and have not been to Services -bookmark this and get to Church :) it is a Holy day :)

First if you want to see Huckabee he will be a guest tonight on MSNBC's "Tucker Carlson" with guest host David Shuster at 6:45 p.m. ET / 5:45 p.m. CT

Lets Start out with what a couple of Bloggers are saying

Maritime Sentry has several good post up. First here is a post how we can help Huckabee called Real Change $$ For Postive Change. That is right MONEY. We are not being fawned over by FOX News and others. If you give a little Great. If you Give a Lot even Better. Every little bit helps and is needed. So it you like what Huckabee is saying or want to make sure those views carry on invest a little.
I would also like to point out that even thought this blogger is from Wisconsin he is standing up for Bobby Jindal who is running for Governor of Louisiana. He knows as well as many that it is important that Louisiana be a Republican pickup. Not only for Louisiana folks but for the nation. He gives more of his thoughts on Huckabee here.

While you are at his site check out this important pro-life news.

Kevin Tracy has another Huckabee VID he made.

Mike Huckabee President 2008 has some important posts up. First he hits on what the conservative, sane , and rational Michael Medved has said recently about Mike Huckabee. Great Piece. I am not a big fan of Talks radio much anymore. But Michael Medved is a person whose views I respect. Please read that last link. He has this link talking about why the experts think Huckabee won the Straw Poll.

Now here is a touchy thing he hits on. He has done a open letter to Senator Brownback. I know Brownback supporters are reading this blog. However he is engaging concerns in the pro-life community that if Huckabee and Brownback keep fighting each other then whoever emerges will be to wounded to face a person like Gullaini in these front loaded primaries. He engages what is being talked about so keep a open mind . I agree with him that I have all the admiration in the World for Senator Brownback

Here are some updates-
Mike Huckabee Returns To New Hampshire After Placing Second At The Republican Party Of Iowa Straw Poll

The above includes his appearances he will have in the Crucial State of New Hampshire through August 20th

Even though I did not support Tommy Thompson for President I admire him for having the guts to go out on the publics stage and put his ideas forwad. Here is Governor Huckbee's statement as to fellow Governor' withdrawal from the race.

That is all I can do for now. If anyone has any questions on Huckabee email me and I will attempt to find the answer