Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Feast of the Assumption-What Is An Holy Day of Obligation?

I returned from Mass that too long ago. It was quite nice. I am getting used to the new priest which takes some time. I am enjoying him. In the Prayers of the Faithful we are praying for the Pope's monthly intentions. Which seems like should be a regular part of the prayers of faithful no matter where you are at. Plus we are praying for our military. I can already tell the people that have family in the military really appreciate it.

The Homily was wonderful. I hope he has another homily this Sunday about how missing Holy Days of Obligation without Good Cause is a SIN that needs to be confessed before going to communion. I am not trying to be holier than thou. I have had to confess that before as well as missing Mass on Sundays for no good reason . We had a good crowd but still.....

Anyway The BOB CATHOLIC Show has a very goodpost on what fulling is your "obligation" is.

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