Sunday, August 19, 2007

Could Alaska's "Hottie" Governor Be the GOP's VP Nominee in 2008?

A purely political post here. I shall be doing a Huckabee roundup later. This is another post on that Alaskan Governor I am interested in. Let me note that the author of this post is a great blogger that I shall be adding to my links. On my former blog, I used to post her links a lot and will start doing so on this one. I had some threats because of some matters I was posting on and blogging came to an abrupt halt :). I need to let Mrs SJ Reidhead know I am blogging again since that situation has been resolved. I shall be adding her blog tonight.

Anyway here is a good piece she wrote Could Alaska's "Hottie" Governor Be the GOP's VP Nominee in 2008?

1 comment:

Stephen R. Maloney said...

James, glad to hear that Judge Sam Alito is participating in the conference.

Thanks for calling people's attention to Cindy's super pro-Sarah column. One of the things we're trying to do in this effort is to FORCE the Republican Party to begin highlighting young conservative candidates who are models of morality and overall decency. Sarah is one such person, and my friend Diana Irey is another. Michael Steele, a Black Catholic, is another. These people are the future of the Party and of conservatism. In fact, people like you and Cindy are also big parts of that future. God bless and keep.

steve maloney