Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Catholics Talk Birthright Citizenship - More Lost Opportunities?

I have been hoping VOX NOVA would bring this topic up .See Birthright and the 14th Amendment

Sadly the way the discussion appears to be going I think again we perhaps are missing a lost opportunity. I know I have been on a rant as to this but it is frustrating. Especially when you see anti immigration reform people like Mickey Kaus yelling as to this "It's A Trap" or something like that. Kaus gets its and is afraid.

However for many people in the immigration reform movement they seem NOT TO GET IT or recognize that this might be an opportunity.

I left a comment that is currently waiting to be posted. Here it is:

I do wish that people would look at this with a open mind. It is significant that the Republican Senators that are proposing this are friendly to immigration reform. It is also significant that some leading folks on the anti immigration side seem fearful of this and are trying to make it go away.

The fact is certain Senators feel that if passage of a Amendment (that is getting it out of Congress at the least) could help us get immigration reform through which would have a Pathway to Citizenship.

It would indeed give some political cover for Reps and Senators from more conservative districts to vote for what some call “Amnesty”

The main GOP Senators we see in the last few weeks getting behind this and promoting it (Graham, Kyl and to some degree McCain) are not for racism or xenophobic behaviour

I think the immigration groups need to look at this and see if passage of such a amendments could be helpful in bringing about 20 MILLION people out of the shadows.

Am I crazy? Am I missing something. It appears to me that both on the left and the right as to the immigration issue no side wants to give anything.

On the right they want border control, workplace enforcement, and other matters. However if you give them everything they want they will not budge on what they call" Amnesty". Therefore nothing gets done. opportunities

On the left they want generous Pathway to Citizenship requirements and heck no doubt some would like a REAL Amnesty. Yet on some issues where we could take steps to correct this problem (Amending Birthright Citizenship) they will not budge.

Result nothing gets done!! Despite the fact that one senses that the vast majority of Americans would be OK with these common sense solutions.

The real loser the 20 million people living in the shadows.

It seems everyone on each side envisions that at some point some political landslide will enable their solution to come into being. I am afraid that is not going to happen.

Update- The conversation might be just getting started over there so perhaps I still have chance to convert someone.

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