Friday, July 20, 2007

Louisiana Catholic Blogger Roundup

Here are a few posts of note from our Louisiana Catholic Blogger Community.

Cajun Cottage Under the Oaks has some interesting post of late. She has produced a new book called A Picture Perfect Childhood. She states that "In a nutshall, A Picture Perfect Childhood does for reading what Racheal Ray’s 30-minute cookbook does for cooking." Check out her posts here and here on her new book.

Full Circle has a post asking "Why do most Catholic blogs tend towards orthodoxy?" I have some thoughts on that , I intend to share at his comment section tonight.

I am adding to this link to the blog today. It is Catholic Underground based it appears out of Lafayette. What is cool about this site is that they are podcast about our faith. It appears tow Louisiana priest are often the ones presenting. Both of which are on my blogroll and hopefully will be blogging more. The latest podcast is called Salvation is Not a Batch File. The description is "In this fine specimen of episodic podcasting, we chat about the other document from Rome and the CDF, we speak about keeping your eye on the parish computer people, and we provide another installment of Dispatches from Rome."

Check it out

One Priest that has announced he is getting more into blogging is also on my blogroll. That is Father Allen. Go by and encourage him in this pursuit. We need more Louisiana Catholic Bloggers.

Speaking of that. If you know a blogger that is Catholic, From Louisiana, and touches on the faith on occasion let me know. I would love to add them.

I also am going to start trying to keep up with Catholic events of note in Louisiana and post them. Many times a great speaker or a great event is just a couple of hours away and we never hear about it. So if know of something newsworthy happening in your Diocese in Louisiana let me know.

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