Thursday, August 19, 2010

More Catholics and Mainline Protestants Think Obama is Muslim or Have No Idea What he Is

According to a Pew Poll. Joe Cater says at Apparently, Everyone Now Thinks Obama is a Muslim via First Things

A new national survey by the Pew Research Center reports an increasing number of people in every group polled holds the wacky belief that President Obama is a Muslim. Sadly, the folks that look like me (conservatives, white evangelicals) are the ones most likely (34 percent and 29 percent) to believe this nonsense.

But if you look at the percentage increase, the most significant shift on the religious side is white mainliners (22 percent, a change of +12) and white Catholics (22 percent, a change of +13). The groups that have shifted the least are, naturally, African Americans and liberal Democrats. Yet both of these groups are now less likely to identify him as a Christian.

Almost as interesting—and not nearly as crazy—is the increase in the number of people who say they can’t identify his religion. A plurality—43 percent—now say they do not know what Obama’s religion is, up from 34 percent in 2009.

Being confused about Obama’s beliefs is understandable considering the confused way he drefines himself..............

Read it all


Andy said...

I'm not sure what he has done that would give people the idea he is a muslim, then again since he has been in office, I'm not really sure what he has done to define himself as a christian.

James H said...

I agree/ I think in some ways this is as much a problem with the Left as it is the goofy right.

The Left keeps talking about Birthers and keeps the issue in the media. It just never goes away