Oh Talking Points Memo weighed in on the Vitter /Traylor GOP primary. See Vitter Accuses Primary Opponent Of Being Secret Democrat
No doubt they took advantage of their Louisiana staff that has a lay of the land down here(SARC)
Many blogs , whether five and dime operations via blogspot (Like mine) or folks like TPM that have a tad more resources , really don't have the staff or knowledge to know what is going on in all the 50 states. This happens to conservative and liberal blogs alike. We all can pontificate who would be the best Senator for State X though we live like a 1000 miles away though we are really clueless. Both factions are offenders on this. We forget the great saying from the Democrat Tip O'Neil. That is all politics is local. An boy is this soap opera very local!!
We learn from Brian Beutler that "Justice Chet Traylor, is ready to rumble". Good grief look at google the last few days. Traylor is going no where because of his own scandals. He makes Vitter's past problems look well quaint!!
NO ONE and I REPEAT no one down here with a lick of sense thinks Traylor has a chance. In fact I doubt he can carry one Parish including his own rural one.
It is apparent to anyone with a half a brain down here why Vitter sent at that letter. To raise money for the general election. Also he raises the interesting question!! Why is Traylor running and what does he get for it. Lord I have no idea. I know in TPM land the war between Dems and Repubs is non stop. Down here the lines are a lot more let's say hazy and so are the alliances.
TPM has no sense of party politics down here and it is not clear at all that Traylor has been devoted to the Grand Ole Party forever. Trust me as a Republican down her for most of my life the State GOP has been an inept circular firing squad.
Please note Vitter does not mention "Liberalism" To TPM most elected Louisiana Democrats would be viewed by their own objective standard as FAR RIGHT THREATS TO THE REPUBLIC. There is the trial lawyer issue but in my experience I am not so sure that is a issue of liberal versus conservative in the classic sense.
Anyway it is interesting what Traylor gets in all this perhaps for running this fruitless race. Who knows maybe he was just stupid to think his problems would not get out.
However the last concern Vitter has is with Traylor. He is using him to raise money.
Friday, August 6, 2010
LOL-Talking Points Memo Knows Nothing About Louisiana Politics (Vitter Race)
Posted by
James H
8/06/2010 07:57:00 PM
Labels: 2010, David Vitter, GOP
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Traylor is not even in the picture. The only thing that could help Charlie Melancon would be if Edwin's 'live boy or dead girl' scenario should play out, but even then I'm not sure Vitter could be defeated.
I'm not a Vitter, Traylor nor Melancon fan, but no need to ignore the obvious.
I agree. It is August it is slow in DC Land . The Senate has already left and not coming till Sept but still political blogs have to produce copy.
I do think the interesting story here is what Traylor gets out this.
Maybe nothing. Maybe he was just a Judge in no where North East Louisiana that was used to spotlight to becoming a Sup Court Justice where Law Clerks and Staff Fawn over you to keep their jobs and thus he thought NONE OF THIS STUFF would go public.
Can he be that Naive? Maybe he can. But I had no doubt that Noble Ellington would calling everyone from the Monroe News Star World to the BBC to flying a banner over Tiger Stadium during a game to get him back
Maybe he is just stupid
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