Sunday, August 1, 2010

Arianna Huffington and a Few Other Libs Praise Sarah Palin

I saw this via a Mickey Kaus tweet and I agree with hia statement "Arianna H. always had more respect for Palin than the MSM".

See her post
Sarah Palin, "Mama Grizzlies," Carl Jung, and the Power of Archetypes

I agree with a lot of that. Yeah in the background there is the theme "well she does not have the policy smarts" but I think on the whole they get it.

I love this quote in the article:

And, as Dave Weigel put it in The Atlantic, it's not as if the media really even cares about policy as much as it likes to think it does. "This media is not going to care about her policies," he writes. "If policies come up during debates, and she gives the same answers she gives on Fox now, and Mitt Romney pounces on her, the story will not be that the GOP's frontrunner gave a pallid answer. The story will be that Mitt Romney pounced."

In the end, Weigel concludes, "it's hard to imagine Palin competing at the policy level the press claims she needs to get to, but easy to imagine her competing at the level they actually play on."

Well again we see that sort of praise with a but there. However he is largely right.

I am always hearing the GOP is not giving solutions. They don't have a plan. Well of course they don't. There is really not a leader. We shall not really see any coherent plan start to formulate till after 2012 because well maybe all these new Congress critters want a say too. Further we really will not see one formulate till we get a idea of who the nominee will be.

Palin and everyone out there wanting to win the nomination don't need to be talking detailed policy plans. Right now they are the loyal opposition. Besides that they are listening to the people , traveling, taking stock. That is how the plan is formed.

No one is going to pay attention to a detailed policy plan that might very well be obsolete in 2011.

Now I have doubts Palin can win because of her high negatives among some people. Also her family seems to be getting more crazy which might get tiresome.


if Ronald Reagan had to deal with his daughter Patti in the age of Twitter, E TV, the Bravo Channel, 24 hours news , and web pages and think that squared.

Palin it appears has to that to deal with a new son in law and perhaps wacky in laws all on the national stage too.

But I would not underestimate her.

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