Saturday, March 14, 2009

Obama and the "New" Policy on Detention of Terrorist

Related links and background to this at my post It's Official- Obama's Policy on Detention of Enemy Combatants Same as Bush

Andy McCarthy tells it like it is over at the Corner at Re: No More “Enemy Combatants” at Guantanamo

Here is just a part:
As usual Ed hits the nail on the head. I'll have more to say about all this in Tuesday's column — I'm flying to California later today, I'll be out there all week, so I am madly trying to pack and get outa here. But what is going on here is what's been going on since the first day of the Obama administration.
Obama wants to have the advantage of — and take credit for the security provided by — the Bush post-9/11 policies. However, he has a rabid left-wing base that rejects the notion that there is a war and wants terrorism returned to the courts (and by the way, if/when that happens, that base will immediately go back to arguing that the court proceedings are inherently unfair, which is what it did for the eight years before 9/11). Throughout the campaign, Obama stirred this base — which consequently voted in droves for him — by trashing the policies he now wants to leave in place. So now he is in a quandary: "How do I keep these policies while preventing a revolt from these crazy people — er, I mean, my voters?"..........

For the record I don't have major objections to what Obama is doing as to the policy itself. I predicted he would do exactly this. It was fact that often when people disagreed with the Bush policy (now the Obama policy) that they never wanted to engage in serious matter of ok what shall we do. Lets look at the hard choices.

The outrage is that no doubt Senator Obama knew the likely outcome of his future choices. But through his rhetoric he made the USA and it's Commander in Chief look like some despot and thus helped in some small part of hurting our image abroad. It also perhaps fed into the propaganda that is given to radical militants. For someone that took such a line it needs to be noted he for all practical purposes has the same polciy as Bush. Perhaps that should be pointed out a lot next week.

I agree with the above poster that groups like the ACLU and other will hold Obama's feet to the fire on this. However for the most part the countless Obama supporters who ranted on about this will not. Including many Catholics.

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