Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Most Stupid Catholic Related Headline of the Day Goes to The London Times

Oh Ruth Gledhill Mrs Times Religion reporter you are so so so clever!!! NOT

What is her problem anyway and what is up with this

NLM explains that how the letter ends:
'Benedict XVI shoes himself aware that from the Lefebvriani have been heard "many dissonant things", the fruit of arrogance and unilateralist fixations; but at the same time he admits that "some dissonances" has also been heard from inside the church: "At times - he ends with a pinch of bitterness - one has the impression that our society needs at least one group for which it does not reserve any tolerance; which one can unperturbedly set upon with hatred. And if someone dares to approach them - in this case the Pope - he too loses the right to tolerance and even he may be treated with hatred without fear and restraint."

So now the Pope knows a little of how a Jewish person might feel when confronted with the likes of Bishop Williamson.

A bit of time on the Internet will do him the world of good, thought it is perhaps hoping for too much to expect the Holy See to set up an account on Twitter.

No doubt the Pope will avoid your nonsense while on the net. Oh News Flash Pope Benedict knows all about the horror of the Nazis. His cousin was taken by them and killed.

Background here and links at my post Pope Benedict Strikes Back- Major Letter to be Released Tomorrow (Updated)

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