Monday, March 9, 2009

Hadley Arkes Talks The Law and Morality at Union University (Great Podcast)

I touched on the wonderful Making Men Moral conference which was held at Union University this weekend at my post Southern Baptist Leader Talks About Real Catholic / Evangelical Cooperation .

I was working through the pod casts this weekend ( something made easier this weekend by the EPIC fail of LSU Sports the last few days). All the talks are available on podcast and are worth listening too.

If I had to recommend to the general public only one talk to listen too out of these series it would be the one by Hadley Arkes . Go here for the audio.

It is well worth a hour of your time. Basically he talks natural Law and attacks the basis premise you can't legislate morality. In fact we are legislating morality all the time. He not only is engaging but gives a nice overview of the Law. Can't recommend it enough. Very lay friendly.

He made a very interesting observation. He mentioned that as to the Civil Rights Act ( That forbid discrimination against Blacks at Hotels , Restaurants etc) that in the north something like 75 percent supported such concepts. While in the South something like 75 percent opposed it. Within in just a couple of years after passage the support for the measure was very much the same in the North and South as seen through surveys.

Again we see that yes the LAW is a teacher for good or bad.

On the other hand as to gay marriage when the Massachusetts Supreme Court declared gays could marry there were huge majorities against it. Now after just a few years the support for or against is basically a draw.

This evangelical that attends Union owen strachan did a wonderful job blogging the conference. He has a overview of the presentation here at Making Men Moral: Hadley Arkes on the Indissoluble Connection Between Law and Morality

Update- The above blogger has a overview of all the presentations at Making Men Moral: All Posts

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