Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Douthat and the Limbaugh Wars

The always thoughtful Jonah Goldberg at National Review brings some much needed balance and sanity to the Rush Limbaugh debate that is occurring in conservative circles

He says in part:
I always thought the conservative argument against Rush had more merit. No, I don't think he deserves to be demonized or vilified or shunned by conservatives. I think Limbaugh's an important and influential voice and for good reason. But, as I've always argued, I think internal debates are healthy and so even though I actually agree with Limbaugh's positions more often than not (at least from what I can tell), I welcomed the fraternal debate. I think some of the reformist ideas out there are very good. And I think some of theme are awful. But now is the time to argue about them, because Democrats have the ball and the time to debate your playbook is before you have to take the field again. That's why I liked NR's editorial on the Limbaugh controversy so much, as well as this post by Rich.

It seems to me Ross Douthat tried to stay on one side of the line, trying to debate Limbaughism — for want of a better word — without going after Limbaugh personally or in a way that damages the right more than it helps. He may have crossed that line in some peoples' eyes, but at least he recognizes that this has gotten out of hand. And, it seems to me Ross is right that Rush and some of his most ardent defenders (some of whom are friends of mine) have gone too far themselves in their attacks and counter-attacks (I am still trying to figure out what I did to pee in Mark Levin's corn flakes).

After this he mention Frum who he thinks has really gone over the line. He ends by saying:

In short, my advice to everyone (assuming anyone cares one iota): Move on. This is played out. It's tired. If you squint real hard and look over your shoulder, you can see the shark swirling in the water behind you. Get back to arguing about family tax credits or something. We know where everyone stands already.

Very true. I am glad that he also sees the difference between Frum and Douthat in this matter. I don't always always agree with Douthat but his columns and thought are important. Plus it seems that many Catholic conservatives have not exactly noticed that has been carrying the water for us in a very public way on many issues.

For instance the was in the forefront of defending Catholic in the political square from the New Republic's Damon Linker's absurd claim that there is some scary Catholic plot to take over the Govt and make us some theocracy and other nonsense. For evidence of that see here, here, here , here, here .

Also can one cannot help but recall the wonderful much deserved smackdown he gave Prof Doug Kmiec.

I disagreed with him many issues but I think on the whole he has been a very important voice.

Internal debate is good and it is something we have not been doing very well lately. It seems most debate is centered around calling one faction RINOs and how things would go so well if Faction x was not in the party. That is not fraternal debate.

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