Monday, March 9, 2009

Catholics Are To Blame For Lifting of Ban On Funding of Embryontic Stem Cell Research

I am sure a thousand Catholic blogs will be talking about this today. Inside Catholic has a overview at The ends justifies the means... and our tax dollars.

There is a familiar mantra that Republicans and Bush did little for the pro-life cause by some. WHY DO WE STILL HAVE ROE people will yell.

Yet early in his term Bush stopped Federal Funding for this nonsense. For almost 8 years it was up to us to

-Correct the fallacies of the benefits of embryonic stem cell research-
-talk about the benefits of adult stem cell research
-correct the misconception that the President was banning private research
-and talk about the related human life issues

The President even appointed a wonderful (with a huge Catholic presence) Bio Ethics Committee that went after this subject.

It is so easy to blame politicans but did we take advantage of this 8 year period?No not really. At least not as we should have.

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