Monday, March 23, 2009

A Catholic Kid Gets Saved Because of Baptist Weightlifting!!

Since I sort of got on Rod two posts down I better cite his very interesting post here. See Evangelical bodybuilders strongarm Catholic kid.

For those that don't know Rod was a Methodist raised in Louisiana became Catholic and now is a Orthodox

The article he posts is interesting in several ways. It kinda of shows the tightrope that Catholics among others have to do with raising children via Evangelical friends down here in the South. Church events such as these are big social events (LOCK INS!!) and there is a balance for a Catholic parent.

Of course it does not work the other way. If a 13 year Baptist kid went to Mass went with a friend to a Catholic or Orthodox liturgy or even a Methodist Service and said I want to convert the first call would be to the parents by the clergy.

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