Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hey Catholic Progressives Obama Just Reversed His Stance On Nuclear Weapons

I suspect the "outrage" will not be much.

For many Catholic Progressives in real political life all these changes and real politic is ok for the ultimate goal . That is a health Care bill. We are finding there is a ton of acceptable collateral acceptable damage in obtaining this aim . More on that Collateral damage in the next post.

When the GOP and Catholic conservatives are accused of this it is called selling out.

When Catholic progressives have to deal with this it is often ignored all together or dressed up in language of the common good in which they are the self proclaimed experts. Well it does not really matter if Obama is playing games with the immigration issue, now making the foreign policy of the United States that abortion is a fundamental human right , and reversing positions on THE BOMB we need to get this health care bill darn it. So the Might and power of the United States in making abortion a right in third world countries is something that will have to be done for the common good on other matters. So the world must suffer so we can have nationalized health care.

There will be a few blog posts and such but then it will be forgotten.

Now I am not getting into the merits of Obama is right or wrong. However it just shows how the wool was pulled over people eyes in many cases. This should have been predictable because Obama was so young and inexperienced.

I suspect Obama did not have a lot of expertise on nuclear weapons in his brief time at the Illinois Legislature or his two years in the Senate. He never had to grapples with those issues. Oh he had a opinion but so does everyone on many issues (insert the vulgar but true saying about Opinions and a part of the human body here). So Obama gets into office and finds the world a lot more complicated than he thought.


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