Saturday, February 13, 2010

Could Bishop Olmsted Be the Next Archbishop of LA ?

Of course in short order if this happened he would in short order be elevated to Cardinal. It appears things are moving fast. Some good links here on that here.

Needless to say this will be one of Pope Benedict's most important United States appointment likely of his whole Pontificate.


Anonymous said...

I hope not. We like him here in Phoenix, thank you.

James H said...

I hear good things about him

Anonymous said...

If he were made coadjutor of Los Angeles, he would not be elevated to the cardinalate in short order. Mahony will resign as ordinary when he turns 75 next year, but will have a vote in papal elections until he is 80. In order to avoid having two voting cardinals from Los Angeles, whoever replaces Mahony will not be made a cardinal for at least 5 years. In the same way, in New York Archbishp Dolan will probably not be elevated until after Cardinal Egan turns 80 in April of 2012.