Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why is A Nevada GOP Senate Ad Running In Louisiana

This TV ad has been running for some time. I usually catch it in the background and I just assumed it was some Republican running against Blanche Lincoln in neighboring Arkansas. Then I looked at the ad and saw MOUNTAINS. Mountains that look nothing like the hills of the Ozarks.

So I google " Sue Lowden" and see she is running for Senate in NEVADA.

Now I guess there can be two explanations for this. She is either investing money in a nationwide ad to get attention and perhaps more donations. This seems strange because the ad is not really suited for it. Now this is the Reid seat and Republicans nationwide want him gone. So maybe she thinks she can make money off of it. The problem is she never even mentions Reid's name.

Or her ad people have messed up and they are spending money in a State a couple of thousands of miles away.

I have just never seen anything like this.

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