Monday, February 1, 2010

Teen Boys Once Thought Dousing Yourself with Gallons of Polo Was Good

I got a huge laugh of how Rod Dreher introduces his piece Smells like tween spirit

You know what male teen-and-tweenagerhood smelled like in the 1980s? Polo by Ralph Lauren. It was widely believed by us male types to render girls sexually powerless before our fragrant selves. It was also an aromatic class marker, in the sense that the A-class males wore Polo. Do boys still wear Polo? Does anybody?

LOL that was me. It was the Gospel among us teen guys that the more Polo the better and would surely lead to making those hormonal fantasies in our head come to reality. I don't know how some of our High School teachers stood it. I guess they were amused .

For some reason it rarely worked. I guess the girls thought it would hurt our feelings if they told us the truth

I was big into Polo like every other teen north Louisiana boy. I have always been tempted to get a tattoo but never went through with it. The closest I came once was at eighteen getting a Ralph Lauren Polo Pony on my foot so it would mimic the POLO socks that were all the rage. I guess in hindsight I am glad I did not do that.

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