Friday, February 12, 2010

In These Hard Economic Times Lets Cut Evolution Teachers

My state is facing hard budget cuts. Therefore I advocate the cutting of studies and training of people involved in the studies of evolution. I mean it not like it is not written down already and we can pick this up later. I mean will we quit being able to educate doctors if we stop the studies into evolution?

I have to think this adds up to a pretty penny what all those cuts are made.

Also in these hard economic times any promotions of the arts and music needs to be cut in the schools and this waste of things called public museums.

I am sure the United States Government can sell the many places on the National Mall for a tidy profit to private interest. I am afraid in these hard economic times the Smithsonian is just something we cannot afford.

You say I have a lack of vision? You are right!!! This is a lack of vision. A lack of vision that even leading conservatives that that people with Cathoic background have for goodness sakes have as to Space. Here are two.

See The end of the Space Age

I am trying to imagine what the world would have been like if Rod and Ross were raised in the Middle ages. You know when educated people like themselves often went into the clergy.

Holy Father with all due respect in these hard economic times does it really make sense for Holy Mother Church having Observatories at the top of Cathedrals and all these Jesuit priests spending time gazing at the moon and the planets.

Who knew that in 2010 we would have a more backward looking attitude than the ancient Mayans.

I really wonder what happens if we see a big ole asteroid in twenty years hurling toward earth and we have just five years to stop it if people will look back and think this a crucial mistake. You know something like that hit Russia in the early 1900's.

There is a lot more we lose you cannot just caculate in dollars and cents.

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