Tuesday, October 13, 2009

So South Carolina Senator Got Heckled at a Town Hall Meeting

Instapundit has it here

October 13, 2009
Video: Lindsey Graham heckled at South Carolina town hall.
Posted at by Glenn Reynolds at 9:55 pm .

Mr Reynolds does not offer his usual commentary which is sad. I have no idea why Graham is hated by so many "conservatives". To me Graham that still serves in the military is what a Senator should be.

It seems some hate him because he does not agree with every crossed t and dotted i in their belief system. I rarely vote for people that agree with me a hundred percent. Call me old fashion but if they agree me a hundred percent I suspect they will make a very bad Senator of all the people. I think the people agree. The good Republican Senator was booed by many of a person in 2007 yet he got reelected easily in 2008 in the great Southern and very conservative state of South Carolina despite the uproar of the usual suspects.

I have agreed and disagreed with Graham but when I think of him I think of my favorite line of the movies 1776 (which is based in real history)

When Dr. Hall's vote on the issue of debating independence is called for, Hall explains that though he is personally for independence, his legislature is against it, and thus is unsure how to vote. But he prefers to err on the side of his constituency and votes nay. But later, when his vote on the declaration is called for he observes that a representative owes the People not only his industry, but his judgment, and he betrays them if he sacrifices it to their opinion. So he voted yay.

That line of reasoning he used was from Edmund Burke, a member of the British parliament who is pretty much the father of a major line of American conservatism. When I quoted this line to a fellow Conservative he accused me of liberalism. GOOD GRIEF. I might disagree with the Honorable Senator of South Carolina from time to time but he represents that line of thought I think is crucial.


Pro Ecclesia said...

I don't like him because he hitched his political wagon to John McCain. I don't like any "conservative" who courts good press by bashing fellow conservatives. Politically, I'm probably very close to Graham. Just as I'm probably very close to Douthat and Dreher politically.

But I don't like their self-aggrandizing efforts to ingratiate themselves to liberals or the media or whoever at the expense of other conservatives one bit.

Pro Ecclesia said...

Yet another reason to dislike Lindsay Graham:

"Periodically, a Republican senator is seized with desire to be the front man for the Democrats' latest regulatory monstrosity in Washington. Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina is now in the throes of this pathological urge, which usually appears just when defeat seems imminent for a big-government scheme like the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade energy bill. Democrats and their liberal buddies in the mainstream media need only whisper the magic word "bipartisanship" and soon enough along comes a gullible GOPer to take the bait.

"Graham made clear in a Sunday New York Times op-ed written with Sen. John Kerry, D-MA, that he will support cap-and-trade if Democrats agree to expand nuclear power and off-shore oil and natural gas development. Kerry is the Senate point man in the Democrats' campaign to pass a Senate version of the 1,400-plus page Waxman-Markey bill approved earlier this year by the House. Graham's approach sounds like a reasonable "let's just split the difference" compromise. The problem is that no matter what Kerry and the Democrats agree to now in order to sucker Graham and similarly na?ve Republicans, environmental activists and sympathetic federal bureaucrats will file endless legal and administrative challenges to stall and ultimately veto more nuclear power production or development of America's bountiful off-shore energy supplies. Meanwhile, the Democrats' cap-and-trade bill will almost immediately begin inflicting devastating economic consequences that will be with us for decades."


James H said...

Well if Lindsey can get legislation for offhsore and Nulcear plants it might be worth it

LEt me ask you this. If the GOP on their on got that legisation would we not have to deal with the same legal huddles.

I guess I like Lindsey and yes he bashes conservatives at times but it should not be forgotten that many conservatives have made a cottage industry of bashing him. SO if we hold him to the Reagam 11th Commandment shoudl we not hold all those that base him to the same standard. The problem is that is not happening and for some reason Lindsey should just take it while others get excused

Pro Ecclesia said...

I'm not a Republican, so I don't much care for the so-called "11th Commandment".

My objections to McCain and Graham and Dreher and folks like that isn't an "11th Commandment" thing. It's about the fact that they've become professional iconoclasts. They've staked their entire careers on courting favor with those more liberal than they by bashing conservatives.

So, my objection isn't to some violation of a mythical "11th Commandment", but rather to self-aggrandizing behavior that doesn't move any particular cause forward other than oneself.