Sunday, October 18, 2009

Religious illiteracy Is A Problem That effects Civic Discourse

Half of American high-school seniors surveyed recently thought Sodom and Gomorrah were a married Couple!!!!

This focuses on Canada a good bit but it touches on the problem as to the whole "western world" See Religious illiteracy alarms educators

This is alarmiong on many levels. First Christanity and Judaism is very linked to Western culture and politics and the legal system. We have here a small glimpse that people don't even have a basic literate background that even an atheiest would knwo a couple of decades past.

The dumbing down of the West continues.


Mary Ellen said...

I saw a YouTube awhile back that showed two teenaged girls trying to "Save" another teen girl that happened to be Indian. Listening to the Christian girls just made me cringe, they were so incredibly ignorant of their faith...and geography. This is all the atheists need to fuel their talk about Christians being so stupid that they'll believe anything.

And I have to blame some of the Catholic schools for dumbing down their teachings of our Catholic faith, too. I taught a high school level catechist class and I was shocked at how little the Catholic High School kids knew. No wonder they wanted them to attend Catechism classes at their Parish before they made their Confirmation!

James H said...

Yes the Catholic schools no doubt are part of the problem here as well as the "Preaching" people are hearing. It appears the kids are not picking up just well known basics

Anonymous said...

nobama doesn't help either... going to be interesting how it all turns out.