Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pope Benedict is an Old man In A Hurry (Anglican Related)

An Anglican Priest and blogger with the Church of England seems to thrilled with the latest historic news of what Benedict has put in motion. Let nothing you dismay gives a pretty blunt reply to the chearge that Catholic Church is "poaching" fellow Christians at Thoughts at the end of a momentous day -Not poaching but rescuing the perishing!

I like how he ends his piece.

Pope Benedict has read the signs of the times; in the battles to come against increasingly militant secularism and the gathering culture of death we need not only to hear Christ’s great command to be one but actively work to bring it about. There has been much Anglican - Catholic dialogue from Malines through to ARCIC and beyond, and much of it has been and will be of inestimable value, but perhaps now is the time to cut through those new obstacles which have been set up in the way of Christian unity and open the doors for those who really do want to come in.

There is much to be said for old men in a hurry; we need them to translate the dreams of the young into hard reality.


Annie Jeffries said...

So glad I found this. I've taken the liberty of adding it as a link at

I like that line of "not poaching but rescuing the perishing". Truly, this is no surprise but I suppose we will be taking hits anyway about our "sneak attack".

James H said...

Yes the "sneal attacK' If even seems the non Anglo Catholic Angtlicans understnd why Rome ddi this. I mean at some point alifeline had to be thrwon to them

Unknown said...


The thought that been crossing my mind with Pope Benedict's pontificate is the he does seem to push issues with a certain ... urgency.

Maybe it's just that all the End Of The World nonsense floating around has seeped into my subconsciousness.

However, I can't shake the feeling that he's pushing the agenda purposefully. Kinda like he wants to gather everyone together as fast as possible.

But, why?

But, then again, I'm given to sensationalism.