Sunday, October 18, 2009

Governor Bobby Jindal Calls For Investigation of Justice of Peace Who Refused to Marry an Interracial Couple

Oh and the Justice of the Peace speaks out again!!! I so wish he would go ahead and resign. I expect there is going to be pressure down there for him to do that so TANGIPAHOA PARISH does not look like it is full of racist based on the views of one man.

WAFB has the story and the comments of botht eh GUV and the JOP at Justice of the Peace breaks silence

Jindal said ""This is a clear violation of constitutional rights and federal and state law," . Well perhaps. I touched on this in some detail earlier at my post Does A Louisiana Justice of the Peace Have to Do Interracial Marriages? (More Great PR For Louisiana) . As I mentioned JOP.s are not obligated to marry anyone. In fact I have found out that like I suspected neither are District Judges.

However once this JOP makes a regular practice of marrying people and he then refuses to do part of this on race it is problematic and I think raises all those equal protection concerns that Jindal is talking about. At least that is how I think a Court or to be more specific the Louisiana Supreme Court would LIKE to rule if it came in front of them.

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