Friday, September 24, 2010

Prediction- Sadly Many Immigration Reform Advocates Will Mess UP In Their Dealings With The Tea Parties

One reason I have been hesitant about doing anything formally with the Tea Parties is I have feared I could not embrace their attitude toward immigration reform.

I thought there might be a divide over it. Mainly because some Libertarians and quite a few social conservatives are open too it. The fact that the GOP pledge did not hit hard on some no "amnesty" theme gave me hope.

Now it appears that within the Tea party there appears at this point there can be a difference of views on this is making me very happy. Perhaps I might in some ways get involved if I can be for sensible immigration reform and not be called a RINO or a Tea party in Name only.

See Tea Party divided over immigration

However have no doubt many immigration reform advocates will mess this up and go with the stereotype. They will lash out and not reach out!! They will be lead by the Democrats into making statements that will cause division and an opportunity will be lost. I have seen this before as to how pro immigration reform GOP folks have been treated or for that matter ignored.

The fact that many went out all for Obama , who killed immigration reform in the Senate, shows that sadly many are just using the immigration reform issue for partisan means.

Hopefully I am wrong.

1 comment:

SJ Reidhead said...

Glad to see we still agree on so many things!

The Pink Flamingo