Wednesday, September 3, 2008

CNN Is The Hate Governor Palin Network

My power was off but the old lady next door let me watch the convention. Actually there was a lot flipping between the Cubs game and the convention (she lovessssss the Cubs) but I got her to settle on the coverage for a while.

Anyway my thoughts.

I sort of pride myself for being able to take my rose colored Republican glasses off. As a Louisiana guy party is a lot more fluid on the local level so I can see things in a more reality based lens

CNN HATES GOVERNOR PALIN. I mean her occupying space seems to offend CNN anchor and analyst Gloria Borger. In her mind a female Governor like Governor Palin does not compute.

The whole CNN team is so biased it is not even funny. First off where are the Republican heavy hitters. I Love Bennett but first off he is sort of part time and we (the gop guys) are stuck with some guy I have never heard of. While the democrats have got Carville , Donna brazile, and Begala. Oh and please lets quits pretending Gergen is some non partisan voice.

I really wish people would take the time and if they could compare the coverage of the Democrat convention and the GOP. During the democrat convention so many SPEECHES WERE THE BEST SPEECH EVER THAT WOULD BE RECALLED FOR DECADES JUST LIKE THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS!!!

Tonight Joe ( you know the guy that just eight years ago was the DEM NOMINEE FOR VICE PRESIDENT) spoke at a GOP convention. A historic moment. CNN folks though seemed disturbed. Some how because he said a few nice things about Palin they became unhinged!!! HE DOESN'T AGREE WITH PALIN ON THE SOCIAL ISSUES HOW COULD HE DO THAT!!! What was left unsaid was when you look at the votes he doesn't agree with McCain either. But it an opportunity to bring Palin in the discussion which was a very side item of the speech.

I must say I will take up for very Democrat Susan Estrich that appears on FOX. Estrich managed the Dukakis-Bentsen campaign in 1988. Though she is partisan at least she gives some actual good political viewpoint. Tonight she said well is Palin a negative or positive well we shall have wait and see. Well that is honest at least.

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