Tuesday, July 8, 2008

SO the Church of England Will Ordain Women Bishops- What is Next?

I will not say much on this topic since countless others are engaging it. I might do a separate post later on more Vatican reaction.

It is clear though that in response to Cardinal Kasper who said the Anglican Communion must decide if it Catholic or Protestant it has chosen the latter. Any hope of the CofE entering the conversation as to reunification as to the Orthodox and Catholic Church is over. That is indeed sad.

I think Father over at Standing On My Head sums up what we shall see next at his post Future Church of England

The Vatican has responded we learn through Vatican Radio

Again the issue of reunification is important to me. Though I disagree with the view of Women Bishops I am also alarmed that this went through without thinking the consequences through. Anglicanism is much needed right now in areas where Militant Islam attacking non stop. Especially Africa. Catholics, Orthodox, and Anglicans should be going out of their way to at least postpone these debates that can tear us apart till the threat subsides.

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