Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Eucharist Outrage of the Decade- University of Central Florida College Student Holds Eucharist Hostage and Excommunicates Himself!!

Updated- 'Body Of Christ" Returned To Church After Student Receives Email Threats- Notice the jerk still wants to discuss with the Bishop the prohibiting the use of force to recover the Eucharist. He also wants an apology. Has anyone in this Diocese explained to this young man that he has excommunicated himself?

I am just floored. GO see Creative Minority Report's post Student Holds Eucharist Hostage

Reading the news link it appears that Mr Webster Cook (AKA Dumbass and Blasphemer) of the University of Central Florida is Catholic!!!

First I hope the Diocese issues a restraining order against him from entering all Catholic Churches till he repents.

Second does this idiot just realize he excommunicated himself!!!

Code of Canon Law states:
Canon 1367 One who throws away the consecrated species or, for a sacrilegious purpose, takes them away or keeps them, incurs a latae sententiae excommunication reserved to the Apostolic See; a cleric, moreover, may be punished with some other penalty, not excluding dismissal from the clerical state.

What does this mean? Well officially, a latae sententiae penalty follows automatically, by force of the law itself, when the law is contravened. A latae sententiae penalty may be either one of excommunication, interdict, or suspension.

Here it is laid out. EXCOMMUNICATION

According to CNS:
Excommunication can take two different forms. A ferendae sententiae excommunication comes after a formal canonical trial, and is often a matter of public record. A latae sententiae excommunication is incurred automatically, under the terms of the Code of Canon Law, as the punishment for certain offenses. In the case of a latae sententiae excommunication, there is no requirement for formal trial or announcement; in fact, the individual brings the punishment upon himself.
Excommunication latae sententiae is the canonical punishment for offenses such as heresy, violation of the seal of confession, or procuring an abortion. Catholics guilty of these offenses are excommunicated automatically, even in cases when Church authorities are unaware of their offense

May I add the Church needs to quit worrying about hurting this poor guys feelings and invoke this now or to be more precise let the public public this sanction has occurred!!

If anyone has any doubt that he violated this please see Excommunication - Contempt of Eucharist
In contrast to this veneration of the Eucharist, cases exist "not only of deplorable disciplinary abuses, but even of acts of contempt and profanation by individuals who, almost diabolically inspired, presume to thus oppose that which is most sacred for the Church and the faithful, and what they most protect, adore and love."
After referring to acts "of hatred for and offense against the Holy Sacrament" that constitute "a very grave moral fault of sacrilege," Archbishop Herranz indicates that "in certain cases these acts of sacrilege constitute genuine and authentic crimes, according to the canons of ecclesiastical legislation."
The text of Canon 1367 of the C.I.C. reads as follows: "A person who throws away the consecrated species or who takes them or retains them for a sacrilegious purpose incurs an automatic (latae sententiae) excommunication reserved to the Apostolic See; if a cleric, he can be punished with another penalty including dismissal from the clerical state."
With regard to abuses against the species of bread and wine, the following doubt was expressed: "Whether in Canons 1367 of the C.I.C. and 1442 of the C.C.E.O. (Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches), the word 'abicere' is to be understood or not as the act of throwing away." The Fathers of the pontifical council have replied: "Negatively and 'ad mentem.' "
They explain that the "mente" of the Canon is "Any voluntary action that is gravely contemptuous must be included in the word 'abicere.' "
"The verb 'abicit'," adds Archbishop Herranz, "must not only be understood in the strict sense of 'to throw away,' nor even generically in the sense of 'to profane,' but rather in the broader meaning of 'to have contempt for, to despise, to humiliate.' Consequently, a grave act of sacrilege against the Body and Blood of Christ is committed by anyone who takes and/or retains the sacred species for sacrilegious ends (obscene, superstitious or impious) or by anyone who, even without removing it from the tabernacle, the monstrance or the altar, makes it the object of any external voluntary and grave act of contempt. For anyone guilty of this act the provision exists, in the Latin Church, for the penalty of 'latae sententiae' (automatic) excommunication, the absolution of which is reserved to the Holy See; and, in the Oriental Catholic Churches, for major excommunication 'ferendae sententiae' (imposed)."
Finally, the document recalls that "the sin of sacrilege must not be confused with the crime of sacrilege; not all the sins committed in this regard are to be considered as crimes. ... The crime of sacrilege that is being dealt with here, must entail an external act, though not necessarily a public one."
The Holy Father, in the audience granted to Archbishop Herranz on July 3, was informed of the decision taken by the council, confirmed the decision and ordered its publication. ZS99070907

I would hope any Catholic male worth his salt that comes in contact with Mr Cook will give him a good talking too and perhaps a Chartiable bop over the head or nose. I am sure we can raise your bail money and get you a Lawyer if need be.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Reserved to the Apostolic See. So the guy is excommunicated until the Vatican lifts it.

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed the way the media has covered it. I have read several blogs on the topic, and originally, Mr. Cook states he intended to take the host in order to protest the college funding Catholic (or any religious) organization at the school. The various news stories all pick up on his later excuse that it was to "show it to a friend". Also, as many others have said, were the same to have been done to a Koran or Torah, this kid would be painted as a hateful, unenlightened idiot. His father (a professor at the college) is even making excused for his boy. I'm glad the Catholic League is on top of this.

Anonymous said...

What does the church say about nazis and child molesters? You people should go fuck a duck and give up bullshit faith. There is no such "thing" as god and if you THOUGHT about even for a moment you'd see the light. Is the world flat? does the sun revolve around the earth? does zeus live on mt olympus?