Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Louisiana Catholic Blog Update for July 2nd 2008

'Blessing of the Fleet' before the start of shrimp season in Lafitte, Louisiana.

Here we go with the update of what Louisiana Catholic blogs are saying. (Plus my Commentary). It is a short one today as no doubt we are affected by nearing the THREE DAY WEEKEND TIME.

Unskilled Labor has a post on a law I am concerned about at The Illusion of Freedom . He also talks about the huge issue of the legislative pay raise at Full Reverse .

I did not give my "Opinionated Catholic" thoughts on the proposed raise. I was not happy with how much it was and how it was handled . But also I am not happy at how people reacted to it. It was all sort of knee jerk if you ask me. I think if they voted to raise the pay 2000 dollars people would be getting all "outraged". There are issues of just the rich being in office that are legit.

Perhaps more later or perhaps not since I am exhausted by the issue.
I now predict most Louisiana residents that got so upset will now tune out as to other issues in the State legislature and affecting our state till some burning issue such a State senator getting a free LSU Football ticket or some similar crisis comes to our attention.

I also predict that when Bobby needs the people to back him when he takes on the legislature most people will be too busy- perhaps Deer Hunting or watching tv. Look stop me I am getting me on my soapbox.

ALIVE AND YOUNG has Our Lady of Dinosauric Creatures . . .

Full Circle has a great post I might highlight later. Learn about the Priest of the Titantic!! GO see Fr. Byles of the Titanic . Also see The failures of cohabitation

Be sure to check out The Louisiana Brown Pelican Society( lay Louisiana Catholic organization) which is great as usual.

I am adding Baby Cate to the links since it appears that this faithful family that has been through so much shall continue to blog here. Go see Quiet Hopefulness which is something I am going to read again before I say my prayers tonight. Also see In Addition .

Thoughts & Ruminations from Fr. Ryan has Pope Benedict XVI’s Prayer intention for July . He has NEPAL Catholic Priest assassinated: Sanguis Martyrii Semen Ecclesiae. Lawyers and World Youth day see his entry Australian lawyers unhappy with World Youth Day restrictions.

By the way Father Ryan also is one of the people that podcasts at the great Catholic Underground . I just listened to their last episode CU Episode 80: Maybe We Overdid it With the Eighty. which was great. Check it out!!

Life on the (L)edge (Catholic Deacon) our Catholic Deacon in New Orleans talks about a friend's funeral and the Homily he gave at it. See The Heavenly Choir Has A New Baritone .

From The Recamier has a review of Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex by Mary Roach .(Don't worry Recamier Your Status as Catholic Blogger shall not be censured here :) )

Anyway again it is a short one today. I will have another tomorrow.

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