Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Bush And Bono- Two of the Most Sensible People on the Planet

The always interesting Bono had a few things to say about the threat of Islamic Jihad. In a Editorial that is appearing today in this New York Paper on the Threat of Islamic Extremism we see:
But fear is what's called for in the face of an epic uprising of murderous fanatics who want all the planet as their gleaming caliphate. Standing in their way, fortunately, are people sensible enough to be alarmed. Like Evans. And Police Commissioner Ray Kelly. And, for that matter, rock star Bono, who recently startled a Rolling Stone interviewer with his unexpectedly illiberal opinion that jihadists are a real problem.
"There is an imminent threat," says Bono. "It's real and grave. It is as serious a threat as Stalinism and National Socialism. Let's not pretend it isn't." Exactly. Be afraid

I very much like Bono. Like Bush he states it has he sees it and will not be put into a political box by others.

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