Monday, March 8, 2010

World Yawns While Vatican Horrified Over 200 Ugandan Christian Deaths

I see that this German News article has been translated here.

Vatican reacts to Uganda massacre of Christians

Vatican City, March 8 (dpa) - The Vatican, through its chief spokesman, on Monday expressed "concern and horror," at the ethnic massacre in Nigeria in which at least 200 people, mostly Christians, were killed. However, Father Federico Lombardi stressed that the violence is "social rather than religious in nature." The massacre is the latest outbreak of violence between rival ethnic groups in the Western African nation's Plateau State, where the indigenous Christians are struggling with northern Muslims, who immigrated to the region decades ago, over control of land and resources. Local media initially reported just over 200 deaths, but later estimates have suggested the final toll may be as high as 500. The Red Cross said conflicting figures meant it was still impossible to give a figure on how many died. Many of the dead were women and children.

Yet I bet we hear little about this on the news and in 99 percent of the Catholic and Protestant Churches in the USA not a mention. Not even a little petition at the prayer of the faithful.


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