Friday, March 26, 2010

A Catholic Joke To Lighten Up the Last Friday In Lent

Goodness I know it appears I have not benn very joyful this week :) It is not really me but the news cycle I am responding too . I will work to balance more "positive" Catholic and other things with WE ARE UNDER ATTACKS posts.

Here is a Catholic Joke to start the day via Bad Habit .


Mary Ellen said...

Wow, you're not kidding we're under attack! Just doing a quick sweep over the blogs today, I saw more Catholic bashing than anytime since I've been blogging. And it's not just on one subject like abuse...they are claiming the Catholic Church is taking over our government (not kidding!).

It's a crazy world...I'm ready for that Rapture I keep hearing about in those Left Behind books. Wait...that's right, Catholics won't be Raptured because we're all the whores of Babylon. D'oh!

Thanks for the link to my blog, much appreciated. ;-)

James H said...

It has been incredible today I agree. I am going to start posting less and less on this as we start Holy Week and TRY not to post on at all next week unless I have too.

The pattern here is so so so obvious. THese stories are done to happen either right before Christmas or right before Easter.