Tuesday, March 2, 2010

So Ends Harold Ford's Biggest Political Mistake

However he is going out with a bang as he does some major criticism of the New York Democrat Party Bosses which is good.

I never got why Ford was doing this. True New Yorkers have elected some "Carpetbaggers" in the past but Ford does not have a name like Kennedy or Clinton.

The sad thing for him is his future political career as an possible elected official is over. It will be almost impossible for him now to return to Tennessee and run again.

Ford came very close to winning the U.S Senate race in Tennessee. Not a easy feat. Ford managed to shed some of his family political baggage. Louisiana readers think of a son of William Jefferson running State wide and almost winning.

He was charming and good looking. He also was very savvy. He for a couple of years was also on the conservative show Fox and Friends a good bit where he came across as moderate and sane.

I think largely white voters saw that and it managed to sweep aways some fears of a "liberal " black politico.

He also handled his narrow defeat well and with grace. He did not fall into the trap of trying to inject RACE as a cause though the liberal press wanted him too.

But at the end of the day Ford has now gone to New York and looked seriously at the race. He was going to trade the Titans for the Jets and Giants. He as going to trade Tenn Volunteer Football for (well nothing besides Rutgers). He was going to trade Dollywood for Times Square and trade Nashville for the Village. He was going to trade Univ of Memphis Basketball for Syracuse.


Also in this move he tried to move more "left" to appease more New York views.

I always like Harold Ford though I opposed him. I think he has a needed message for the Democrats. However now his ability to influence it has been serioulsy diminished.

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