Monday, March 15, 2010

Recalling the Famous Bossier Strip

My Bossier has some cool posts here at The Bossier Strip and The Bossier Strip Part 2: Red River Babylon . It always struck me as ironic that as people claimed that Shreveport Bossier was a Conservative bastion. For a lot of its history it was not. Being a River town it was sort of on the edge. I can recall being at the Court house and the older bailiffs telling me about a huge whorehouse that used to be just right across the street. That just boggled my mind. It is sort of weird but I think my parents had more wild time opportunities than my generation did!!!

My Bossier has some neat post on the Bossier Strip. If you were stationed at Barksdale AFB many decades ago it might bring back some memories. By the time I was old enough to go out it had already passed pretty much into lore. We would go out to the generic pack them in bars like Cowboys. So it is neat to hear stories about the Strip.

I think there was a lot os wisdom as it was as to places like the Bossier Strip. There was vice but contained and so could be regulated which made the whole town better.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Thanks for the link. I am really enjoying blogging about the Strip, it opens a floodgate of memories!