Monday, March 1, 2010

The Governor of Indiana Profile Just Keeps Rising

I think if he decides to enter the GOP race for Prez he has a chance.


Henry Karlson said...

As one who is from Indiana, and whose family have worked hard with the GOP in Indiana, I would say -- be careful of the national press. Things are not so good in Indiana, and many people -- many -- are upset. I think he is better than the now GOP mayor of Indianapolis, but, all in all, GOP and Democrat alike in Indiana: a problem.

James H said...

Well that could very well be true.

I have to admit the press reports of him are generally glowing and I being so far away I giess it is typical that the local situation is more complex than portrayed.

That being said he is getting some interest. Part of think it is the media ( and perhaps the Governor of himself being savvy) that people being people as to the GOP race are going to want a new fresh face come 2011 after talking Palin, Huckabee and Romney forever.

I just have a feeling that GOP is going back to the GOvernors as their nominee and he is about the only one I see besides ther GOvr of Minn that looks electable