Sunday, March 14, 2010

Glenn Beck Causing Lots of Internal Stress At Fox News

Shocking - Fox News Does Not Want to Become a MSNBC Joke

There is a lot of tension between the journalists at NBC and at MSNBC. They don't like sharing time with Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman for obvious reasons.

It appears this same dynamic is occurring at FOX NEWS. See The Beck Factor at Fox: Staffers say comments taint their work

Now last week there was sort of a blow up among Conservatives with Beck jumping into defending Congressman Massra without thinking it through

Then we had the "Social Justice" comments. It is worth observing that a few major conservative heavy hitters and sites have not mentioned this controversy at all. Perhaps they just want it to go away. But it is telling they are not defending BECK either.

Go to THE CORNER- Everyone is talking about this but the Corner is quiet.
Go to Contentions - NADA
Go to the Weekly Standard- ZIP there too

Now I suspect they made the observation that Glenn Beck attacking Social Justice , something the Catholic Bishops care a lot about , was not the wise thing to do .

Especially as the Bishops are holding the line on abortion and the health care bill and while you got these STUPAK pro-life Social Justice oriented Democrats barely hanging on. Beck though seems not to be aware of the BAD TIMING OF THIS.

As I mentioned to someone today I am willing to bet that Christians that are not all into the social justice thing as they would put it were not thrilled that Beck was encouraging people to leave their Churches. It sort of crosses a line.

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