Saturday, October 4, 2008

Vatican- Say the Rosary While You Drive!!!

To make of our vehicle an instrument of help and not destruction, Fr. Virgen recommends us to make the sign of the cross before we start to drive. “We do (it) to summon the presence, help, and protection of the Holy Trinity. This shows we trust God and that we are conscious we will drive well and that we wield His protection.”
In the document, the Vatican also recommends praying vocally, and taking turns if there are any passengers, as when reciting the Rosary, which because of its repetition and rhythm, does not distract the driver. “It is very pleasant to recite the Rosary, especially when there is a lot of traffic,” said Deacon Arias
Much more about abring a good Catholic and Driving at this article Vatican urges motorists use virtue, pray Rosary on the road
Tip of the Hat to Spirit Daily

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