Thursday, October 9, 2008

Queen Bee of Catholic Blogdom Says Don't Panic McCain Supporters

What Great Advice The Anchoress is giving as to the election here at Don’t let the psy-ops throw you. I truly think the Internet and all this information and misinformation we all get on the Internet is becoming a curse.

First as I pointed out earlier this week the weight given to all these polls is way way way off.

Americans truly have short short attention spans. BUT BUT BUT what About Gallup!! If you truly think McCain is 11 points behind I have Mountain property with a scenic view in Louisiana I would like to sell you. A little history here 8 years ago Gallop in October had Gore with almost a 9 point lead over Bush!!

Everyone needs to relax take a breath and work hard to get McCain/ Palin elected.

Does anyone notice a pattern here. McCain has a good day (his poll Numbers are looking better in several polls) and then there is a Tsunami of spin to try to defeat it.

We shall a race that goes down to the wire and with polls very close at the end. Then 4 years from now we shall forget this LESSON AGAIN and repeat all this panic.

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