Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Acorn Offices Raided - Did You Know Catholic Plate Collection Money Funds Them?

We hear in the news today ACORN office in Vegas raided in voter-fraud probe. Of course this is not the first time ACORN has had criminal problems as to voting and registration.

TO be honest I lost a great deal of respect for ACORN when they were in New Orleans after Katrina in the first two elections after that . Even before that they tried disrupting the presidential election in 2004 in Louisiana by DRASTICALLY overstating problems with voting machines in Orleans Parish. They then were screaming voter fraud all over the place after the hurricane.

Anyway again let me point out this article that Catholic Church money that we give to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development’s goes to Acorn. ACORN annually receives about 5% of Catholic Campaign for Human Development grants.
I suppose it is impolite to mention this and God knows to even question these things is to be accused of racism but I think we have a problem here.

Can you imagine the outrage if

(1) Catholic collection plate money were going to Republican aligned organising political groups


(2) If those offices were raided and they were constantly in the news because of problems of Voter Fraud!!!

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