Thursday, September 4, 2008

What Catholics Are Saying about Governor Palin The Day After The Big Speech

Catholic Online has report on the their first observations here at Sarah Palin Lights up the Xcel Energy Center with Her Acceptance Speech.. Also see their past article Opinion: Sarah Palin is Truly Pro-Life

Inside Catholic and at their blog that no doubt will have other contributions today on this subject have Clinton aides on Palin coverage: Yes, it's sexist , Palin and "Change" , Palin's Speech: Personal Reactions ,

The fact that Plain was baptized a Catholic but as a child became a member of another Church ,along with her folks. is getting some play. The slightly Progressive America Magazine has Sarah Palin is an Ex-Catholic and Palin Steals the Show. Needless to say I don't think this will be a problem because the most Rabid Orthodox Catholics seem to behind her from what I can see.

The Dallas Forth Worth Paper has a good op -ed here at Palin Serves as an Example of Choosing Life — Editorial

The Catholic blogs are active. See

The Godmother of Catholic Blogdom The Anchoress has Palin a news Powerhouse, Roundup of Reactions to Palin Speech, and Liveblogging the Palin Speech

Pro -Ecclesia has Hey, Elitists! Y'all Got Y'all's Asses Kicked Tonight! and Sen. Obama: "Waaaaaaah! That Girl Beat Me Up!"

ORBIS CATHOLICVS has Vote pro-life: we support Sarah Palin...

VOX Nova is asking why Abortion was not mention (Please note I respond to this in the post below this current one) Also one contributor gives his thoughts and others are commenting here on her speech.

Living Catholicism has Sarah Palin, the "New Energy" of the Pro-life Movement

Wheat & Weeds has "...And A Servant's Heart" ( I am going to highlight that article about Bush later)

Thoughts of a Regular Guy has I'm Not So Sure... ... that Gov. Palin didn't write her own speech

I am a big fan of the fun Testosterhome. blog. She is not very political in her post so I was struck that she was commenting. See Light Bulb and What Makes Palin Great

Father Longenecker over at Standing on My Head has Experience and Integrity

Father Vasquez over at DUGOUT CATHOLICISM has Best candidate the GOP has presented! , and a earlier post Breath of Hope in American Politics???

Civics Geeks has more thoughts on the abortion issue and its non mention last night at a reactionary remark (He links the Great First Things Blog) so go to this link for that .

The very good InForum Blog by Sheila Liaugminas has Bring it

Creative Minority Report has A Star Is Born/Homerun Whatever. It was Great

I have to end with the Great Dirty Harry. See Masterful: Ahh… So This Is What Obamania Feels Like , Clip O’ The Day: You Guessed It… and Top Five: Silver Screen Sarah Palin’s

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