Thursday, September 4, 2008

Governor Palin Did Not Mention Abortion - Why Not?

There is a lot to say on Governor's Incredible speech tonight. I was not so shocked how she hit out of the park since Palin has been on my radar since last August.

However before I go to bed let me engage a post that is at the Catholic group blog VOX NOVA

That is the post Why was abortion not mentioned? by Katerina Ivanovna

First let me say though I take Vox Nova and some of its contributors to task I think highly of Katerina. By the way she is a new citizen and this will be her first election. Though I suspect we would disagree on many issues she is very sincere. In fact out of all the posters and contributors she is one of the ones I respect the most .She is it appears Obama leaning ,but I hope perhaps through gentle nudging will try to get her to look again at McCain and not perhaps the cartoon version of him that is presented. But the question she asks is one that will get circulated.

I will admit I am tad frustrated that she has the comments off. If you ask the question then open up the comments to get a answer. But things have been tense there this week at the blog so I understand why she is doing it.

There was no need for the Governor to mentioned it. There are disturbing stats on how many Down Syndrome babies are aborted. Tonight at a Republican Convention we did not only see this newborn "downs child" but Governor Palin the now official nominee of the Republican party for VP called him "perfect". Those images and her words spoke volumes!!!

Second we are aware of the huge SAGA over her daughter's "new bun in the oven". Not only was this young woman on in the stands (with Americans POLITICAL ELITE) but her soon to be husband ( who must have been the most nervous teenager in the world) was there with her. He was FURTHER was on the STAGE with his soon to be expecting wife. That spoke volumes.

Sometimese we let images and moments speak for themselves.

Finally to be quite honest she had other problems. Before we can expect Governor Palin to talk about abortion she had to defend herself against the most sexist and even more than that CLASS oriented attacks. I keep saying this but as a Huckabee supporters we are really tuned in when this happens.

I had a nice yahoo chat with some former Huckabee supporters and to us it was like we were back 6 months ago. What are all these white trash ignorant folks being involved in our sacred process about. While many are focused on the gender theme many of us are much more tuning into the class bias.

She had to combat that tonight. She will be questioned and stick up for LIFE. She did it tonight through her actions that spoke more than any pro-life speech could give. But quite frankly before she can speak on it she had to combat the whole "WHO IS THIS YAHOO FROM ALASKA" meme that was going on. In other word she had to deal with a horrific attack that questioned WHY SHE WAS THERE

So to the VOX Nova contributor and others asking this question I hope this is helpful

More later


Anonymous said...

It is interesting that the clowns at VOX NOVA trash Mrs. Palin for not mentioning Abortion when they spend little time promoting Life themselves, other then the occational lip service.


Pro Ecclesia said...

When she mentioned her "perfect" baby Trig - who was born 4 months ago with Down Syndrome, Gov. Palin gave the most powerful statement in favor of life ever delivered by a candidate at a Republican National Convention.

Anonymous said...

Well said Jay Anderson. It is too bad that VOX NOVA forgets those who are disabled and in need. I am glad that Mr. McCain put Mrs. Palin on the ticket instead of VOX NOVA.