Friday, September 5, 2008

McCain the "Warmonger" and His Convention Speech

One final thought on the McCain Speech. Over at the THE CAMPAIGN SPOT there was an observation that struck me also:

'I'm running... [to] prevent other families from risking their loved ones in war as my family has.'
The "warmonger" smear was particularly odious, but this section reveals just what a photo negative that charge was of the man speaking before us now

We face many threats in this dangerous world, but I'm not afraid of them. I'm prepared for them. I know how the military works, what it can do, what it can do better, and what it should not do. I know how the world works. I know the good and the evil in it. I know how to work with leaders who share our dreams of a freer, safer and more prosperous world, and how to stand up to those who don't. I know how to secure the peace.
When I was five years old, a car pulled up in front of our house. A Navy officer rolled down the window, and shouted at my father that the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor. I rarely saw my father again for four years. My grandfather came home from that same war exhausted from the burdens he had borne, and died the next day. In Vietnam, where I formed the closest friendships of my life, some of those friends never came home with me. I hate war. It is terrible beyond imagination. I'm running for President to keep the country I love safe, and prevent other families from risking their loved ones in war as my family has.

Those who showcased the "Vietnam made McCain a warmonger" argument ought to hang their heads in shame.
09/04 10:55 PM

I think this is very true. One charge against McCain especially by the Catholic "progressives" is that McCain is war monger. Even some Conservatives that flirt with the Paleo conservatives that I link often make this charge.

I wished that it was brought out in the speech but it was in the video that McCain worked to normalize relations with Vietnam. That is a compelling story. Sadly I think that Victor Davis Hanson over at the National Review is right when he talks about how "his experiences are ancient history to the duh/whatever generation"

But if the self proclaimed Peace loving Catholic faction that likes to pontificate on who are warmongers are going to make charges then they then to revisit this piece of 90's ancient history.

John McCain joined up with Kerry to bring final peace between Vietnam and the USA. It was a intense time and McCain was the lightening rod. I can recall some veterans booing him. The whole POW issue was hot. McCain took the risk. McCain went to Vietnam and sat and broke bread with the leaders of a country that held him captive. In fact at one point a former guard of his was present. The fact that he did this for years , when it was not popular in all quarters, and to the fact that it must have been gut wrenching for him is something to marvel at.

In fact it is putting all those words about peace and reconciliation into action. It is a incredible tale and if this warmonger crap keeps going on it needs to be brought out.

I suppose in the end we are taking two different viewpoints and world views. McCain and his tough stance on sticking with the Georgians is not because he wants war , HE can foresee such actions if not stopped make future wars more likely.

Again the McCain warmonger charge is irresponsible and I hope especially some Catholics , as well as others, that differ on his viewpoints would consider their words a tad more carefully

1 comment:

Carlos Echevarria said...

Like Brownback said we should not cede to the Kmeic group the social justice issues...

Be it rational immigration reform, adamantly pro-life, a more judicious application of US power (Powell Doctrine), increasing volunteerism to help our fellow Americans, etc.

These are at McCain's the continuation of the US's relationship with the Holy Father.