Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rome Confirms Pastoral Provision To Be Expanded For Anglicans To Become Catholic?

Damian Thompson has a story up at the London Telegraph Ex-Anglican communities to become Catholic, Rome confirms .

Let me say I think Mr Thompson is jumping the gun a tad :)

After reading the Keynote yes there are hopeful signs but I don't think this yet justifies a headline"Ex-Anglican communities to become Catholic, Rome confirms"

He is quoting a keynote address that was given by Reverend John J. Myers, Archbishop of Newark and Ecclesiastical Delegate for the Pastoral Provision that was given at the Anglican Use Conference. I have been trying to like the dickens to find a copy of it the last few days and here it is

GO see Keynote address by Archbishop Myers .

Now let me say again that I think Mr Thompson headline is a tad jumping the gun. I do think that Rome will let the Lambeth conference of Anglican Bishops play out. However the conclusion of that event we all know.After that we shall wee

A few quotes from the keynote:
Some great strides have been made in the last two years in improving the mechanics of the Pastoral Provision. We are working on expanding the mandate of the Pastoral Provision to include those clergy and faithful of “continuing Anglican communities.” We are striving to increase awareness of our apostolate to Anglican Christians who desire to be reconciled with the Holy See. We have experienced the wonder of several Episcopal bishops entering into full communion with the Catholic Church and we continue to receive requests from priests and laity about the Pastoral Provision. I also take this opportunity to thank the Anglican Use Society for their work under the Pastoral Provision, and for the invitation to address this conference......

Through the Anglican Use liturgy, individuals from the Episcopal Church who reconcile with Rome have the option to worship in a manner that is familiar to them, which many practiced from childhood, and which has nourished their faith in Jesus Christ. The value of this experience is important. For others, the Use is a welcome place where the beauty of the liturgical action, music, architecture and art enables them to raise their hearts and minds in praise of Almighty God. In some cases the sense of the sacred conveyed in the Anglican Use liturgy has been a vehicle of return for Catholics who had fallen away from the practice of their faith because of liturgical abuses during the implementation of the Novus Ordo. The Holy See, through the work of the Pastoral Provision, recognizes that there is a legitimate historical patrimony of the Anglican Communion.

I like the fact that Archbishop realizes that the Anglo Catholic Service looks and feels and prays more "Catholic" than what many experience in their own Parishes!!!!!

It would be a tragedy if these examples of faith and pious devotion were lost to the Church and to the faithful and it would be simplistic to dismiss the tradition. I was awestruck when I first experienced the Anglican Use liturgy at the English College in Rome during a pilgrimage last September. Its beauty was incarnated in the devotion manifested in the exquisite celebration of the Eucharist. I was humbled by the devotion of the faithful and I am encouraged by the fervor of the chapel and parishes that employ the Anglican Use liturgy here in the United States.

The whole thing is a good read, Again I think Mr Thompson is jumping the gun and seems to be placing a lot of stock in the part "We are working on expanding the mandate of the Pastoral Provision to include those clergy and faithful of “continuing Anglican communities.” We are striving to increase awareness of our apostolate to Anglican Christians who desire to be reconciled with the Holy See. ". That does not indicate to me DONE DEAL yet.

However Thompson is fighting propaganda by some Catholics that fear more traditional orthodox Anglicans coming in so his he using this also to show another point as he alludes to his article

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